Digital Insights
Open your mind, be creative, think out of the box: here you can find the right inspiration for your digital marketing strategy.How to recover from Google Penalties
When a website has run into a Google penalty, it could sound like a big problem to solve. But if that happens to you, do not give up. With the right adjustments and expedients, recover from this kind of penalties is doable.
Reading time: 13 min(s)
How to create good user experience for the unsubscribe process
More and more companies understand the power of good user experience. So why neglect it in the newsletter unsubscribe process? A lost subscriber is not a goodbye forever.
Reading time: 16 min(s)
What factors influence consumer trust in the digital world
Trust is the foundation of long-term relationships with customers. But trust is a complex construct which doesn’t follow any rules and is consequently not predictable. Learn more about its concept and by what it gets influenced
Reading time: 12 min(s)
How fashion brands can profit from Instagram
Instagram resulted to be one of the most influencing channels in the fashion field, becoming a real vehicle for fashion, design, art and any kind of visual communication. Discover how your brand should take advantage of this social platform and how to get profit from it.
Reading time: 14 min(s)
Strong Customer Authentication – opportunity or threat?
Until now, online retailers have been standing in front of a huge challenge: finding a balance between good user experience and protecting their customer from criminal activities. Now the decision, whether to take action or not has been taken away from them with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).
Reading time: 15 min(s)
What a Unique Selling Proposition isn’t and what makes it perfect
E-commerce brands have to face a growing online landscape with competitors springing up like mushrooms. Therefore it is even more crucial for any brand to develop a well-thought USP. It’s significant to find and communicate the winning difference of your brand effectively to prospective buyers.
Reading time: 13 min(s)
Micro influencers: why you should choose them and how they will boost your business
If celebrities are far away from your company’s budget or you do not care about reaching the mass but a small niche, micro influencer marketing can be your successful strategy.
Reading time: 13 min(s)
Don’ts: What to avoid when creating buyer personas
“Only who truly understands clients’ needs will succeed to attract and serve them in the right way.” You can give your best to comprehend their desires and goals, but without the right tools, you will struggle. Buyer personas are the best practice to draw a detailed picture of a semi-fictional customer.
Reading time: 14 min(s)
The potential and importance of reporting for your business
The potential of data is enormous but is often ignored. What many companies do not realise it that turning new data into information could have a huge impact on our activities and could allow the undertaking of effective data driven strategies.
Reading time: 11 min(s)Social media listening: Why effective listening to customers improves CX
Listening is for most people, as usual, as the act of breathing. But is it really that easy? Find out why social media listening and VoC are essential tools to understand your customers better and improve CX.
Reading time: 11 min(s)
Boost your YouTube strategy with Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a powerful marketing tool and using it together with other analysis tools, such as YouTube Analytics, will really boost your way of creating content and interact with your users.
Reading time: 12 min(s)
What Marie Kondo has to do with email marketing
Methods like “KonMari” are gaining increasing popularity. Meanwhile, they have also reached people’s inboxes. Email marketers have to take action in order not to become a part of the decluttering process.
Reading time: 13 min(s)
How to recover from Google Penalties
When a website has run into a Google penalty, it could sound like a big problem to solve. But if that happens to you, do not give up. With the right adjustments and expedients, recover from this kind of penalties is doable.
Reading time: 13 min(s)
How to create good user experience for the unsubscribe process
More and more companies understand the power of good user experience. So why neglect it in the newsletter unsubscribe process? A lost subscriber is not a goodbye forever.
Reading time: 16 min(s)
What factors influence consumer trust in the digital world
Trust is the foundation of long-term relationships with customers. But trust is a complex construct which doesn’t follow any rules and is consequently not predictable. Learn more about its concept and by what it gets influenced
Reading time: 12 min(s)